
CNS Fees and Policies

CNS offers a wide range of clinicians, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic services. Because of the complexity of treatments which we offer, we have attempted to streamline the fees & policies into the following listing.

CNS Fees

Psychiatric (M.D.)
  • $700 / 45 minutes*
  • $350 / 25 minutes*
  • New Evaluations: N/A
    CNS is not currently accepting new patients
Psychologist (Ph.D./Psy.D.)
  • $350 / clinical hour*
Therapy (MFT)
  • $250 / clinical hour*
Extended Appointments
  • Fees will be pro-rated for any appointments beyond a clinical hour (*definition, below)
Private Nursing Shifts (RN/NP)
  • Nursing (RN) $150/ hour, Nurse Practitioner $250/hour, cRNA $450/hour
  • Nursing shifts are billed in at least three (3) hour increments.
Treatment Team Meetings
  • Billed as the aggregate of all clinicians present.
Neuropsychological Testing
  • Fees available upon request.
(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)
  • Fees available upon request.
IV Ketamine Infusion
  • Fees available upon request.

CNS Policies

*Clinical Hour Definition
  • Clinical Hour consists of 45 minutes directly spent with patients, and 15 minutes of non-patient documentation & administrative time.
  • Half clinical Hour consists of 20-25 minutes directly spent with patients, and 5-10 minutes of non-patient documentation & administrative time.
  • For appointments beyond a clinical hour, fees will be pro-rated commensurately.
  • Sometimes patients need certain documentation (e.g. letters, forms, disability, prior authorizations). As our doctors are generally interventionists, these are typically done elsewhere (by the patient’s primary care mental health clinician). Forms are done only on a case by case basis, and must be brought into the office and completed during an appointment (while the patient sits in the waiting room). Regular appointment fees apply.
Overtime Fees
  • For services rendered outside regular business hours (9am-5pm), or occurring on weekends or nationally-observed holidays, are charged 150% of usual rates.
At-home Fees
  • For services rendered at-home or out of the office, a minimum of 3 hours is required and are charged 200% of usual rates.
Priority Fees
  • For services rendered on an urgent basis or necessitating the clinician to shift other patient appointments, are charged 150% of usual rates.
  • Payment is due at the time of service. Once service has been rendered, fees are not refundable. CNS does not guarantee any outcome or satisfaction. Phone appointments are charged the same rates as office appointments. The only form of payment accepted by CNS is credit card.
Medication Refills
  • Prescriptions are only provided in the office during appointments. Prescriptions are not called in over the telephone, except in the case of emergency. When this occurs, fees are assessed as above guidelines.
Invoices & Insurance
  • CNS is an “Out-of-Network” provider. We do not process payments from health insurance. Upon charging, we will email you an invoice with all necessary claim codes for your insurance company. If you submit them, they will reimburse you directly, as their policy allows. Our invoices contain sensitive information revealing your diagnoses codes. In order to protect your confidentiality, CNS will not disclose any other information to your health insurance carrier. Please note that each psychiatric appointment is split into 2 entries (each being 1/2 of the total fee). This is because of national billing code standards from insurance companies which require us to do so.
Cancellation Policy
  • Please inform us at least 48 business hours in advance if you need to change or cancel an appointment. Otherwise, the usual fees and payment is required.